Last updated: a MARFLEET Family History web-page

Registration District  
     Marriage solemnized at the Church in the Parish of St. Simon, Liverpool in the County of      
No. When Married. Name and Surname. Age. Condition. Rank or Profession.
462 Sept 2nd 1878 after Banns Frederick Duxbury 18 Bachelor Butcher
Elizabeth Marfleet 17 Spinster  
Residence at the time of Marriage. Father's Name and Surname. Rank or Profession of Father.
St Simon William Duxbury Book Keeper
St Simon William Marfleet Sailor
Married in the       according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by       or after       by me,
This Marriage was solemnized between us,The mark of William Duxburyin the Presence of us,Hugh Tague
The mark of Elizabeth MarfleetThe mark of Ellen Connor

Information provided by Kathy Binns 16082003

Contents Certificates Marriage 8b 337